Protecting a Historical Tribute
“Valmont Coatings is proud to have provided the hot-dip galvanizing that played a critical role in creating this magnificent tribute, a tribute that will boldly withstand the rigors of time and the elements, thanks to the magic of hot-dip galvanizing.”
The inspiration for this galvanized work of art began in 2005 after discovering the unearthed bones and teeth of an extinct Columbian Mammoth in the area. Following extraction and cataloging, the Mammoth “Lupe” was installed at the Children’s Discovery Museum.
In 2010, city leaders commissioned two designers to design, fabricate and erect a sculpture to commemorate the Columbian Mammoth at the discovery dig site. The concept and fabrication process went through multiple iterations before settling on a galvanized bent-pipe design.
Hot-dip galvanizing the mammoth was an absolute necessity to protect the steel from corrosion because of the location’s harsh temperate marine climate. Valmont Coatings® Calwest Galvanizing was selected to complete the extensive hot-dip galvanizing to ensure corrosion would not deteriorate this work of art.
Starting in the design phase by providing detailed instructions on proper vent and drain hole placement, Valmont Coatings was involved throughout the entire design and fabrication process. The massive metal mammoth was disassembled into four sections to accommodate the galvanizing kettle. More than 1,000 individual holes were drilled into the material to ensure a safe and successful galvanizing process. After galvanizing, the mammoth was re-assembled and loaded onto a custom low-boy trailer, and shipped on a long 400 mile journey north to its installation site in Silicon Valley. Upon delivery, the city council orchestrated a parade through downtown San Jose to celebrate the arrival of Lupe Grande to the permanent site in honor of the most significant archeological discovery ever in Santa Clara County.